Poetry Writing

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Poetry Writing


Step 1: Brainstorm a few subjects or ideas your poem could to rotate around.


Step 2: Once you’ve come up with your idea, choose a writing style you would like to use. Possible styles include limerick, quatrain, and acrostic poems.


Step 3: When you start writing your poem, don’t worry too much about punctuation at first. When you are done writing the poem you can then go over the spelling and punctuation. Poems are more powerful if they can convey a message or mood. You can use dark imagery to convey a sad feeling or light imagery to convey a happy feeling. Dark imagery includes dark colours like black and navy blue. Light imagery includes bright colours like white and yellow.


Here's a few poem writing styles of the many that exist:


A quatrain is a four line stanza that can have different rhyming schemes like aabb, abab, or aaba (although it doesn't have to rhyme).


An acrostic poem is a poem where the first letter of every line put together makes a word (it can also be the last letter or a different sequence).


A haiku poem is a Japanese three line poem that refers to a season and does not rhyme. It has 5 syllables on the first line, 7 on the second, and 5 on the last.


A limerick is a nonsense verse that has five lines with a rhyming scheme that goes aabba. It has three feet on the first, second, and fifth lines and two feet on the third and fourth lines.


Prose and free verse poems both don't have regular meters. Both have a heightening of language but free verse tends to have rhythm and poetical effect.  


Here is an example of a quatrain (which consists of 4 lines) removed from a three quatrain poem. As you can see, the rhyming pattern is






Amidst the sound of children’s laughter;

The blue birds sing a lullaby.

The things we do hereafter,

With playful joy will make you cry.




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Reference: The New Lexicon Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language - Canadian Edition. Copyright 1988 by Lexicon Publications. Inc.
